Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just plain old tired

These last two weeks have been a little tough. I have just been, well......tired. I think I have had to take a nap every day since my last post! And, it usually is an hour nap, but it could have been longer. I am so grateful to have a job where I still feel like I need to get things done by a certain time to keep me motivated to get up from my nap and not sleep the afternoon away. AND...K wakes me up from her naps so she keeps me from sleeping all day too. :) On the 3rd of this month, I was finishing up work and getting ready to go to school. All of the sudden my eye started to do some funny things and I started to get nervous. Then, all of the sudden, I could not see out of my right eye. If I looked at K straight in the face, I could not see the right side, I could only see one eye. I started to get more nervous! As time went on, maybe 20-30 min, my vision started to make it's way back. It is really hard to explain the feeling of when that happens. It is like my vision twinkles and I have a weird sensation. From when the whole problem began to when I got it back was only about 45 minutes. I had decided to stay home from school because I didn't feel well and didn't want to risk driving at night. T took K to his church responsibilities that night and I laid in bed and watched tv the rest of the night. When T came home, we put K to bed and I got ready for bed myself. I looked in the mirror and my right eye's pupil was dilated and my left eye was normal. It was the freakiest looking thing ever and I am sure T would agree. :) I called my neighbor since she is a nurse and asked her what she thought. She said (along with T) to sleep it off and if it is still like that in the morning to call my neurologist. So, I went to bed and prayed I would wake up in the morning. I almost thought I was having a stroke or something. Well, I woke up and everything was back to normal. I called my neurologist anyway to inform him of the occurrences and he said it was signs of a migraine. I have had the same vision phenomenon occur twice in my life that I can recall that both had a migraine follow, but I had never had the pupil dilation that occurred with it. I did not have a huge migraine that I actually was waiting to happen. Either my pain tolerance has increased due to the fact that I have headaches all the time, or I forgot about the pain since I was too scared something else was happening. Regardless, this may be the reason I have been so tired lately because of this event. This is what I am associating it too. I will take this over an exacerbation any day! But, two days ago after a nap I woke up and I felt fantastic. I actually had energy to do things! It was awesome. Yesterday was just as fantastic and I don't think I have taken a nap all weekend. So, I am back to the top from being down. All is well and I am so grateful for a wonderful husband and daughter who always just seems to know when to just let me lay on the couch!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I may have MS, but it doesn't have me!

The last 3 days I have been.....well...TIRED!! It is almost like the tired that women out there who are pregnant in their first trimester tired. Ugh! I have no energy to do ANYTHING. (PS. I am not pregnant) Now, even a normal person experiences these days of tiredness. I never know if this is a normal thing or if this is an MS thing. MS is so hard to figure out sometimes. I was talking to my sister yesterday and she is just as tired. She asked why I was tired, and I said I don't know. There has been no stress, I didn't over do myself recently, the weather has been BEAUTIFUL so I didn't get overheated...I am just tired. Monday, I had no energy but still got out of bed and did things. Tuesday was even worse. I don't think I even got out of my pajamas and I was barely able to muster up the energy to get off the couch when my daughter had to go potty. I did get a 1-2 hour nap in both days and that helped along with getting to bed early and sleeping all the way through the night. Of course, I work from home so I was able to get my 2-3 hours of work in, in increments of 40 min or so. Today I feel better and felt like I could get some stuff done. I always feel so guilty with my tired days. Before I had Kayda, I went to a National MS Society seminar and we watched this video. There was a woman on there who was laying on a couch saying whenever her son wanted to play, she said she couldn't and that she was too tired. I told myself that if I had children I wouldn't never do that and that I would play with my child. Well, I think of that woman ALL THE TIME. And when I am tired if my daughter wants to play or do something I try to suck it up and do the best I can to play whatever she is wanting to do. Yesterday, it was a "here Kayda, want to watch a movie?" day. The nice thing about that is she LOVES to watch movies! I still feel guilty about sticking her in front of the tv when I have no energy to do anything, so if there are any ideas out there for alternative forms of entertainment, I am all ears. :) I found this little quote that I posted to this blog that says "I may have MS but it doesn't have me". I am trying every day to live by that because I have a life to live, why not live it the best I can and not miss anything because of my MS.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Tyson and I decided to create our own little job chart. :) Cleaning the house all in one day is literally exhausting. I tried to do it in one day but it really take a lot of me. It would turn out to go two weeks in between cleaning the bathrooms, dusting, sweeping and mopping the floor. I am pretty good at vacuuming because it doesn't take long and it helps make it feel like the house is somewhat clean. Well, I saw on Pinterest to spend 15 min. a day to always have a clean house. I shared the idea with Tyson and he is totally on bored. I had made a magnetic calendar that I was going to use for meal planning, but I have had it for almost a year and didn't end up doing it. It now just sits in the corner of my kitchen and I just use it for a calendar and for birthdays. I made up some chore strips and every day there is something listed. Tyson and I are "scheduled" every other day and it is working out fabulously! We are just doing it M-F and if we miss a day doing our chores for the week, Saturday is the day to do it. :) Once Kayda gets old enough, she will get thrown into the mix with us. So Monday's are vacuuming the whole house, Tuesday is dusting and windows, Wednesday is master bathroom, Thursday is main bathroom, Friday is sweep and mop. Of course we still do the daily dishes and cleaning the counters and weekly or bi-weekly cleaning of walls (depends on how much dog goober is shaken on them) and other things we find...but this makes me feel like our family is all into this together! We are a team and it's a team effort. Thanks Tyson for being such an AWESOME husband who loves to cook and clean. :) He really does make sure I am staying healthy by helping out when I don't have the energy!