Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I may have MS, but it doesn't have me!

The last 3 days I have been.....well...TIRED!! It is almost like the tired that women out there who are pregnant in their first trimester tired. Ugh! I have no energy to do ANYTHING. (PS. I am not pregnant) Now, even a normal person experiences these days of tiredness. I never know if this is a normal thing or if this is an MS thing. MS is so hard to figure out sometimes. I was talking to my sister yesterday and she is just as tired. She asked why I was tired, and I said I don't know. There has been no stress, I didn't over do myself recently, the weather has been BEAUTIFUL so I didn't get overheated...I am just tired. Monday, I had no energy but still got out of bed and did things. Tuesday was even worse. I don't think I even got out of my pajamas and I was barely able to muster up the energy to get off the couch when my daughter had to go potty. I did get a 1-2 hour nap in both days and that helped along with getting to bed early and sleeping all the way through the night. Of course, I work from home so I was able to get my 2-3 hours of work in, in increments of 40 min or so. Today I feel better and felt like I could get some stuff done. I always feel so guilty with my tired days. Before I had Kayda, I went to a National MS Society seminar and we watched this video. There was a woman on there who was laying on a couch saying whenever her son wanted to play, she said she couldn't and that she was too tired. I told myself that if I had children I wouldn't never do that and that I would play with my child. Well, I think of that woman ALL THE TIME. And when I am tired if my daughter wants to play or do something I try to suck it up and do the best I can to play whatever she is wanting to do. Yesterday, it was a "here Kayda, want to watch a movie?" day. The nice thing about that is she LOVES to watch movies! I still feel guilty about sticking her in front of the tv when I have no energy to do anything, so if there are any ideas out there for alternative forms of entertainment, I am all ears. :) I found this little quote that I posted to this blog that says "I may have MS but it doesn't have me". I am trying every day to live by that because I have a life to live, why not live it the best I can and not miss anything because of my MS.

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